Stay away from home and become successful, responsible and find out the best version of yourself, who take right and quick decision.

This article will discuss living away from home for 3–4 years in order to acquire life lessons and only until you are able to make sound decisions and are fully independent. I am not advocating that you leave home for the rest of your life : ). Let’s start by talking about how it can help in your life to be a successful and responsible person.
People who leave their homes can experience both positive and negative consequences so will see the positive and also negative points of that.
Positive points or Advantages.
To begin with, it makes you independent. it lets you experience how your parents handle all the household duties, for example cooking and cleaning take care of yours and your siblings, even when they are ill, so you can also learn how to handle such duties even when you are ill. So it’s make you independent to take care of your own and how to deal with this types of situation.
On the other hand, people who leave their homes may also experience positive consequences. For example, they may be more likely to develop independence and self-reliance. Additionally, they may be more likely to have new and exciting experiences. Finally, they may be more likely to meet new people and make new friends and how to deal with them in all the situation.
Here are some of the benefits of becoming more independent:
- You will be able to make your own decisions and live your own life.
- You will be more confident and self-reliant.
- You will be better prepared for the challenges of life.
- You will have a stronger relationship with your parents.
Improve Decision Making Power
When you live at home, you are typically at the third rank in terms of decision-making, after your parents. However, if you go out into the world and learn how to be independent, you can see how things work and how to make good decisions. When you return home, your parents may give you more responsibility and allow you to make more decisions. This is because they will see that you have become a more responsible and capable person and the satisfaction which you feel at that time which you never felt before.
What History Says
History also have this concept in Indian “Vedas”, In Vedas it is clear idea to “BRAHMACHARYA” , It means children in India were sent to gurukuls to receive their education. Gurukuls were residential schools where students would live with their teachers and learn a variety of subjects, including manners, discipline, science, philosophy, and how to live a good life.
The gurukul system was a highly effective way of educating children. Students who attended gurukuls were not only taught the academic subjects, but they were also taught the values and skills that they would need to live a successful and fulfilling life.
Negative consequences
All the things have 2 side like coin one is positive and one is negative so you have to be aware. Let’s see some points which you need to take care in this 3-4 years of time.
- More likely to engage in risky behaviors, such as smoking and drinking.
- More likely to experience loneliness and isolation.
- In this time, people may become members of groups that engage in criminal activity.
If you are interested in becoming more independent, here are some things you can do:
- Move out of your parents’ house and live on your own for 3-5 years only till you have better confidence on your self.
- Get a job and start earning your own money.
- Make your own decisions about your life, such as what to study, where to live.
- Take care of yourself, such as cooking your own meals, cleaning your own home, and doing your own laundry.
Staying away from home teaches you about the different types of people in the world and how to interact with them. Sometimes people may try to deceive you, but this can be a valuable lesson in life. Traveling also teaches you about the value of money and how to save and spend it wisely. It helps you understand which luxuries are truly important to you and which is not.
Becoming more independent is a journey, not a destination. It takes time and effort, but it is worth it. When you are independent, you will have more control over your life and you will be able to live the life you want. If you are considering leaving home, it is important to have a plan in place and to make sure that you have a strong support network.
last but not least people will feel the real value of the parents, I will bet with you after spending 3-4 years outside and coming at home , the respect, love of your parents in your mind will increase like boom.
Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to leave home is a personal one. There are both potential risks and benefits to consider. However, for many people, leaving home is a necessary step on the path to adulthood and independence.